
Localization of K+ Channels

K+ channels are the most diverse ion channels in mammals. Creative Bioarray is committed to providing our clients with the subcellular localization of K+ channels and we are constantly developing new techniques to improve the refinement of subcellular localization of K+ channels, providing new insights into important neuronal activities.


K+ channels are membrane proteins that specifically allow the passage of potassium ions through the plasma membrane, while blocking the passage of other ions, especially sodium ions. It is widely present in cells and has a variety of functions, such as the regulation of neurotransmitter secretion, heart rate regulation, and smooth muscle contraction. Depending on their biophysical, pharmacological, and molecular basis, the different K+ channels/currents belong to different families and subfamilies. They have complex mechanisms of action and important pathological, physiological, and pharmacological significance.

K+ channels, by far the most diverse group of mammalian ion channels, together with the structural complexity of the mammalian brain, pose a great challenge for scientists to gain insight into the regulation of neuronal activity. In recent years, the development of a number of subtype-specific antibodies against K+ channel α and auxiliary subunits combined with labeling and imaging techniques has provided many new insights into the diversity of K+ channel subcellular localization.

K channel localization in hippocampal CA1 apical dendrites.Fig. 1 K+ channel localization in hippocampal CA1 apical dendrites. (Trimmer, 2015)

Our Services

We offer our clients high-quality and highly accurate localization of K+ channels, particularly in mammalian brain neurons.

  • Localization of K+ channels in dendrites and somata
  • Localization of K+ channels in hippocampal mossy fibers
  • Localization of K+ channels in the axon initial segment
  • Localization of K+ channels at the nodes of Ranvier of myelinated axons
  • Localization of K+ channels in/near presynaptic terminals

Our localization services are not limited to brain neurons and involve many types of K+ channels.

Our Technologies

Our Technologies

We focus on the latest advances in super-resolution imaging microscopy to help our clients perform higher resolution analyses of K+ channels. Our research teams have developed a variety of sample preparation, labeling, and imaging techniques to further understand the details of the subcellular localization of K+ channels, such as immunogold (EM-IG) labeling on SDS-FRL samples and multiplex LM-IF combined with super-resolution microscopy and/or array tomography.


  • Study on patterns of K+ channels subcellular distributions
  • Study on the role of K+ channels in different functional compartments of neurons
  • Development of state-specific probes for K+ channels

With a dedicated research team and state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, Creative Bioarray has developed powerful methods for the quantitative ultrastructural analysis of K+ channel subcellular localization to provide clients with detailed information on K+ channel distribution. Our scientific services promise to provide more insights into different neuronal domains and associated molecular components. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Trimmer, J. S. Subcellular localization of K+ channels in mammalian brain neurons: remarkable precision in the midst of extraordinary complexity. Neuron, 2015, 85(2): 238-256.
For Research Use Only.